No one seems to have the heart to resist Golden Retrievers. Their innocent eyes, good behavior, kind faces, and beautiful shiny coats make them such a hit that Hollywood producers even decided to make a movie out of them. But are Golden Retrievers good enough to become Hollywood stars?

The answer is no. Beyond the limelight, numerous dogs of this breed serve as security, guide, and search and rescue dogs that are ready to assist their human companions when needed. Other than that, many people also consider Retrievers to be a great family pet. Because?

This is simply because there are so many more things to love about a Golden Retriever. They are sought after as pets for their good temperament and innate intelligence. They are friendly not only with people, but also with other dogs and animals. Believe it or not, in some zoos, they are among the best candidates to become surrogate mothers for other orphaned animals. Other than that, they are also loyal to their pack and can become very confident. Their love of pleasing their masters makes them easy to train.

Some parents also consider Golden Retrievers a great family pet due to their love of playing and their patience with children. They don’t react violently even if the youngsters pull on their coats and tails. Reports of aggression in Golden Retrievers are also unlikely, if not non-existent. They were bred to have a gentle disposition and should remain that way unless provoked.

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