When we generally speak of courage, we tend to speak of the men and women fighting wars that are being fought all over the planet or of sportsmen and women on the playing fields.

All of them doing brave things and risking their lives (in wars) and their limbs and their health playing games (so-called sports heroes).

Did you know that you are as brave as any of these people? In fact, in many more cases. I certainly don’t see athletes as heroes. They may be role models, but not real heroes and many not braver than you or me.

Living with the loss of a child requires a different kind of courage than before, but it is just as brave and certainly carries the same emotional response to those in a war zone.

In fact, when you think a lot about being in a war zone and losing a partner, it’s the closest you can get to losing a child when it comes to emotion, pain, anger, and fear.

It is strange to compare the horror of war and the horror of losing a child. I have never been to war and I have never lost a friend to the ravages of war. However, I have lost a son.

At the beginning of my pain I asked myself: How do I find my value? The most important thing for me was finding the courage to keep moving forward, growing and learning to live again. Feelings similar to those of many war veterans.

Well, you don’t think you are strong or brave but you want to be? Well, you already are, but 90 percent of people don’t even know they are until they read an article like this and learn how to not only be courageous, but feel courage as well.

How do I find my courage, that motivation, that pure life energy to keep moving forward? How do you get angry?

If you are willing to learn what I am about to teach you, you will find value in every corner of your mind and in your life. It will help you grow and overcome your pain. You will inspire others but more importantly, you will inspire yourself. You cannot move forward and inspire others if you are not growing from within. And you will really feel courage.

Here is your simple action plan:

Know that you are already full of courage. (He has lost a son and is still here trying to survive and move on! That takes courage.)
Do something daring today. (Remember: life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!)
No matter how scared you feel, no matter how lonely, petrified, intimidated, incapable, shy, or whatever other paralyzing emotion you feel … do it anyway.
Put those emotions aside just for a moment and do it.
That is all. That’s all you have to do. Do. Just do. Do something daring. Has to. Do not even think about it. That is courage. Being afraid to the point of shaking. Just do it.

Once you’ve done it, celebrate. Go out to dinner or a movie with your loved ones. Buy a new dress or a new shirt. Buy your partner some chocolates or flowers.

Maybe it’s the daring things you can do !!

Guess what? Time to act NOW! It’s time to find the courage that will change your life and give you the motivation and faith to move on, find your purpose, and find your peace. How do I find my courage?

Do this now!

Decide what you will do today that is daring and takes you out of your comfort zone. Write it down if you want. Make it a goal. (You know what it is deep down inside!)
Has to. Do it now!
That is all. Dare to do it. Like I said before, that is sometimes courage, just acting.

Leave a comment below. I love hearing from you and what you did was daring.

Much love and light for you,


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