If you are a NASCAR fan, then you can enjoy attending NASCAR events. However, there may be a time when, depending on the circumstances, you may not be able to attend a NASCAR event. There are other NASCAR fans who cannot attend a race on their own. The option would be to host a NASCAR party at home. You may have a few friends who are also NASCAR fans and this is a great way to plan a party. There are some people who don’t know how to start a NASCAR party. The first thing to consider is a guest list. You don’t need to send out formal invitations, but you should try to get an exact number of the people who will be attending the party.

As soon as you’ve determined who will be attending the party and you want to host it in your own home, you may want to look for great deals. Planning a party, if you’re not careful, can be expensive. This is why you should try and buy the snacks and drinks when they are on sale. After you buy the food you need for the party, you may want to store it in a separate area away from food storage for your daily consumption. A desirable space would be a spare closet in another room in your home. Two days or a day before the actual NASCAR party, you need to double-check the supplies you have stored in case something is lost. Is the food enough for the people who are going to attend? Are there enough plates, cups and utensils? These questions are necessary and can help you determine if you need any last minute supplies.

A NASCAR party is not a champagne and caviar event. Food selection should be informal and fun. There are several cookbooks you can check out if you’re not sure what additional items you want to serve your guests during the party. Recipes should be full of flavor but not too spicy for everyone to enjoy.

Assuming you have already confirmed with those who are going to attend, it is also important to contact those who have not yet returned your call. Ask them if they are still interested in attending the party and remind them of the race date.

Cleaning your home is important. Any guest attending a party does not want to attend one with a bum as the host. This is an important task that is often at the bottom of the list when planning a party. You may also want to clean your home as much as possible, especially those areas that are likely to be visited by your guests, that is, the TV room, kitchen, and bathrooms. Changes to the house may also be necessary before the party. This involves moving the furniture around a bit and rearranging things to properly accommodate your guests. Also, make sure you have enough seats for your guests. Otherwise, you can try asking some of your guests to bring lawn chairs. The best seating arrangement during a race day party is a seat in a stadium. Try to arrange the chairs in an L shape and provide additional chairs around the edge of the room. This type of arrangement can help your guests have a great view of television and they can also easily converse with each other while watching. Remember to place tables throughout the room, rather than in one place.

Decorating the room, where you and your guests will be watching the race, is completely optional, although this could add a few points for you as the host. You can decorate the room with balloons with the colors or photos of your favorite NASCAR driver. There are also outlets that sell NASCAR themed supplies and offer a wide variety of options. Buying in bulk from these merchants can help you get better deals.

Going back to the food, remember that party food is messy, like: barbecue sauce, salsa or ketchup and they always have a way of ending up on clothes or on the carpet. Equip yourself with stain-resistant cleaners to aid you during aftercare. You can also choose to use disposable plates and other utensils to avoid long hours of cleaning up after the party.

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