As of this writing, the Thanksgiving holiday will be exactly twelve days from now, thirteen days before the official start of the hustle and bustle of the holiday shopping season.

Sometimes it’s hard, especially in the rush of the holiday season, to pause and take a personal inventory of all the things to be grateful for in our lives. All the blessings, fellowship, and growth we’ve experienced throughout the year seem to be dwarfed by the anxiety and stress that the holidays and, of course, the upcoming tax season bring. All the worry and fear of not getting someone the “perfect gift” can really bring down one’s confidence; And for those who have worked to maintain an attitude of abundance and positivity, it can create fear of overspending and underthinking.

I’d like to take this time to provide you with the ammunition you’ll need to get you through this hectic time of year. I’d like to give you five methods that will keep your spirits up, your mind focused on abundance, and an attitude of gratitude.

Five methods that invoke a spirit of gratitude:

1.) Write down 10 things you are most grateful for.
I have a journal that I keep by my bed. Every morning when I wake up I write down 10 things I am grateful for. Then the night before I retire I write down 5 things I learned that day. Writing down what you are grateful for will make you see that everything is not really as bad as it may seem. I know that it certainly lifts my spirits and helps prepare me to face whatever challenges I may face that day.

2.) Read aloud your list of the 10 things you are most grateful for.
It is not enough to simply write down what you are most grateful for. You should read them out loud and with great enthusiasm. If you feel a little embarrassed about this because of your spouse, family members, or roommates, you may want to think about doing it in a quiet place where you will be alone. I used to read my list out loud when I was driving to work. By reading your list out loud, you are affirming to your subconscious mind that these things make you feel good. I think you’ll be surprised how much better you’ll feel after doing this.

When I retire at night I like to write down 5 things I have learned during the day. This helps you recognize and measure daily growth and helps you discover things to be grateful for that you might have missed or otherwise taken for granted.

3.) When someone does something out of kindness, say “Thank you.”
You may already be doing this to be polite. Most people were raised to say “thank you” when someone does something for you or gives you a gift and because of this conditioning it has become an automatic response. Ask yourself this, how many times do you say “thank you” and do you mean it? How many times do you really feel those feelings of gratitude? The mere fact of this sentence is not enough, for those words to have any meaning, one must feel it. By feeling it and transmitting those feelings to another, you will not only have lifted your own spirits, but you will have empowered another human being.

4.) Give something to charity or to someone less fortunate.
Be honest here, how many times have you passed by the person who is receiving donations for the salvation army? How many times has he had an extra gift or two, it might even be a gift received, that he knew someone else would get immense pleasure from, but he just let it sit and collect dust? How did that make you feel? This year, and every year after or when the time is right, why not do or give something to someone else? You will enrich the life of someone who is not as fortunate as you, and you will also improve the quality of your own life. Remember that if you give something, you get it back 3 times or more than what you gave. It is a law as definite as the law of gravity.

5.) Decide now that you will live with a heart full of gratitude.
As Anthony Robbins says “It is in our moments of decision that our destiny is shaped.” He decides right now that instead of going with the flow or giving in to all the Scrooges and discomforts the holidays can bring, you will live with an attitude of gratitude. Decide right now that you will do one or all of the things you just learned. Information is power, but only if acted upon, decide to use it now or it will become a product of circumstance.

I realize this article is a bit long, I hope you enjoyed it. More importantly, I hope you have discovered a tool that you can use to overcome not only the holidays but also many of life’s challenges. Happy Holidays and best wishes on your way to improving the quality of your life.

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