In the age of conveniently processed lunches, string cheese and snack packs, it’s no wonder more than 26% of Canadian children are overweight or obese. Today, more children are facing early-onset diabetes, heart disease, cancers, and most notably, cognitive and mental health issues such as ADHD, poor concentration, and decreased ability to learn. Over the years, numerous studies have linked inadequate nutrition to the above conditions, including poor academic performance.

The connection between the brain and food

The human brain, while extremely complex, works on a simple principle: it requires a large number of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, to function optimally. Even the slightest nutritional deficiency can have a major impact on brain chemistry, resulting in impaired learning and cognitive functioning, decreased attention, inability to problem solve, anxiety, and other behavioral disorders. Skipping a meal entirely or substituting healthy meals with nutritionally reduced foods laced with sugars and saturated fats can have the same effect.

But it’s not just malnutrition that affects student performance. A recently published study conducted through the University of Alberta School of Public Health and Dalhousie School of Medicine highlights that a quality diet with an adequate and diverse selection of quality foods is significant in academic performance. This highlights the importance of variety, with particular emphasis on increased intake of fruit and vegetables and moderate consumption of dietary fat.

To do?

Simply put, what we put in, we get out. To achieve optimal health and academic performance, we must begin with optimal nutrition. Here are some tips to help your child reach her full potential.

1. Start with breakfast

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but that’s not a reason to give Froot Loops the same kudos as rolled oats. A sugary start to the day will have the same negative cognitive impact as skipping breakfast altogether. Opt for whole grains, fresh fruits, and proteins like nuts and seeds for long-lasting energy and mental alertness.

Try this:

  • Sprouted whole grain bread with natural peanut butter or almond butter for sustainable energy and protein.
  • Add nuts, seeds, and fresh berries to whole grains
  • Use quinoa as a warm cereal. Quinoa is a complete protein source that contains all essential amino acids and is an excellent source of energy and essential fatty acids. Mash in a banana and add coconut flakes for natural sweetness.

2. Add healthy fats

Omega 3 (alpha linolenic acid) is an essential fatty acid critical for proper brain development and function. Studies show that children with the highest levels of DHA (an omega-3 derivative) have the lowest risk of depression, bipolar problems, and ADHD. Omega 3 sources include flaxseeds, hemp seeds, walnuts; and for DHA, cold-water oily fish.

Tips to try:

  • Make baked fish sticks with salmon
  • Sprinkle ground flaxseed over your morning cereal or use flaxseed oil in dressings and sauces.
  • Substitute hemp seed milk for cow’s milk for a healthy dose of omega fatty acids

3. Limit refined sugars, simple carbohydrates and processed foods

Refined sugars, sodas, and simple carbohydrates suppress the immune system, cause blood sugar fluctuations, and yeast imbalances, all of which affect mood, focus, and performance.

Tips to try:

Instead of using refined sugar:

  • Agave nectar: ​​a natural, low-glycemic sweetener extracted from a cactus plant
  • Pureed fruit, such as dried apricots or fresh apples
  • Sweet spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves

4. More vegetables, please

Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients essential for optimal brain function, with dark green leafy vegetables, sprouts, and algae being the most powerful.

Tips to try:

  • Make a green smoothie by blending green leafy vegetables and sprouts with fresh fruit, like bananas and mango. You will be surprised how good it tastes!
  • Use kale as a sandwich ‘wrap’ or crisp romaine leaves as a fun taco
  • Pack raw vegetables with sauce as a snack at school

Making small changes in the right direction will produce tremendous results in your child’s development and on their path to optimal health, happiness, and success. Get ready to see your grades soar!

peggy kotsopoulos

Nutritional Consulting

beVibrant Wellness Consulting

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