Hives or hives is a common allergic reaction characterized by the appearance of red, irritated and itchy skin lesions on various parts of the body. Although the exact cause of hives is unknown, they are often the result of cells releasing histamine. Also, allergic reactions to deodorant, specific foods, medications, pollution are some of the reported causes of hives. This skin condition can be easily and effectively treated with natural remedies. There are many types of natural hives remedies available and some of them are discussed below.

Basil tea:

Basil tea is an effective natural remedy for hives and some other allergic reactions. The affected skin is soaked in basil leaf tea. Basil leaf contains caffeic acid, which is an anti-allergen that will soothe the skin and get rid of hives. To make basil tea, add 1 ounce of dried basil leaves to 1 quart of hot water. Let the mixture cool to room temperature. Now, wash your skin with the tea to get rid of hives.

Baking Soda and Cornstarch Bath:

Fill the tub with lukewarm water and add a half cup of baking soda and a half cup of cornstarch to the water. Now, soak the body in the mixture for about 30 minutes. A baking soda bath can soothe irritation caused by hives. If the condition or itching is severe, you can take this bath twice a day.

Aloe vera:

Aloe Vera application is one of the simplest yet effective natural cures for hives. With its healing properties, Aloe Vera can relieve the burning and itching sensation induced by hives. Aloe vera is 100% safe for the skin and can reduce swelling in a short period of time.


Turmeric has been used traditionally for thousands of years to treat various skin conditions. For hives, you can use this herb both externally and internally. A cup of warm milk mixed with turmeric can be effective in curing hives. Topical application can make your skin smoother and healthier. For better results, you can apply turmeric mixed with lemon juice or mint juice.

Cold compress:

You can refresh your skin with a cold, wet compress. Cool temperature along with moisture can relieve itching and inflammation. In addition to the cold compress, you can also apply calamine lotion to the skin for a cooling effect.

Enrich your diet:

Including healthier foods can improve the body’s overall immune system, thereby reducing the chances of getting hives. Eat fruits like oranges, lemons, tomatoes, raspberries which are rich in vitamin C. Also add foods that contain acidophilus for optimal digestive health to decrease the duration of hives. Yogurt that had live active cultures, sauerkraut, and cottage cheese are some good sources. Vitamin E and zinc are also effective against hives patches and rings.

If you get hives from any particular food, avoid it completely. Also, when you are affected by hives, make sure not to touch or poke it. Stress can also be a cause of hives; so stay away from stressful situations in the workplace.

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