Many of us, remember, bygone days, and presidents, regardless of their political beliefs/positions, who, in times of crisis, always seemed to put the best interests of the nation, far ahead of their personal/political agenda, and/or gold. , own interest! Regardless of whether one supports or opposes the policies of President Donald Trump, there must be agreement, we are not witnessing anything even close to normal! Recent statements, tweets and positions emanating from the current occupant of the White House often seem to fan the flames, rather than put out the fires! In times like these, when so many people feel deprived of any rights, and threatened, Americans, to a large extent, are looking for words of comfort, urgent understanding, addressing areas of concern, true empathy, and someone who wants to unify, rather than polarize. With that in mind, this article will briefly consider, examine, review and discuss 5 related examples and why we feel we need something better.

1. Response from Charlottesville: Most remember, when President Trump, instead of focusing on providing comfort, over the deaths and injuries apparently caused by certain people wearing Nazi and white supremacist symbols, etc., used the expression, Lots of good people, on both sides. He articulated a message, apparently, equating protests, with violence, and apparent, racism, etc. With that in mind, and some of his earlier statements, is it any wonder so many seem concerned about the current occupant of the White House?

2. Lack of genuine empathy: Who has ever heard, Mr. Trump, express what could be considered some degree of sincere and genuine empathy and concern for the victims? Whether it be about previous incidents/events, or about the horrible impact of the recent pandemic on human life, or about the apparent abuses and police actions (by a minority of Rotten apples), seems to have given priority to the so-called economics, often patting itself on the back or making polarizing statements, rather than comforting and understanding ones.

3. Using blame and complaining, rather than accepting any personal responsibility: Everyone makes mistakes, but the measure of a quality leader must be a willingness to take and accept personal responsibility. On several occasions, after negative incidents/actions/behavior/events, etc., when asked how he would rate his performance and/or what he thinks he has done wrong (or would otherwise do), he states, everything he does it’s perfect, and nothing, what went wrong, is your fault! Her general approach to him is to blame and complain to others instead!

4. Root of the protests, when a black man died, as a consequence of the excessive use of force, by a police officer: One Tweet about the man who died and a hundred about the most violent protesters! How does that help? There is a big difference between protesting and rioting and, apparently, to inspire his main political supporters, he labels (without evidence) the protesters as anarchists and claims that he will declare that group domestic terrorists (although, there is no such definition in the law). US). No one wants violence, yet he seems to feel that he can appeal to people’s fears and threaten to use the military, on US soil, against US citizens. What could go wrong with that approach?

5. The South Wall: For years, we have listened to Trump’s rhetoric about his South Wall and declaring, it is essential, to protect ourselves! Although, according to most experts, the costs are excessive and the benefits limited, he sees it as a symbol that can attract others! He even defied Congress and transferred other funds to start building this building!

Wake up, America, and hold Trump accountable, for the potential harm, for fanning the flames, using inflammatory rhetoric and making false statements, so often! Is that really the best we can be?

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