1. Search for information about the prospective lawyer online

Searching for an attorney online has its benefits and difficulties, but with specific searches, the results can be helpful. When reviewing a potential attorney, the first place to look is the State Bar records. Here you can find out if an attorney is licensed, current, and whether or not the attorney has had a disciplinary history.

Lawyer directories are another good place to start looking for information. Lawyers.com, FindLaw, and SuperLawyers are excellent directories to begin your search. Avvo and YELP are great sites to get reviews from former customers. There are many others as well. Peer review and client recognition and recommendations are important information for the potential client to read regarding the selection of a potential car accident attorney.

It is also imperative to check the website of the potential attorney. But it should be taken with a grain of salt. Why? Because the lawyer created the website and posted all the content on the website. Certainly information on the attorney’s past experience, case results, and practice areas is important to obtain from a website. But independent board and State Bar verification is necessary to confirm the attorney’s competence and experience.

2. Meet with the potential attorney

Many of the best car accident lawyers offer free consultations to injured victims to help them understand their rights. As a potential client, you should take this opportunity to determine if the attorney is right for you. One of the most important factors should be “Does this attorney value me as a client?” If you think the attorney doesn’t care about you personally, chances are they won’t work hard to defend you on your behalf.

If you have ongoing medical problems, you should ask what help and guidance the attorney can provide regarding your recovery process. Will the attorney provide recommendations or referrals to the best medical providers? Do these medical providers require an upfront payment, or does the attorney have physicians who work at bonds? Proper medical care is important to your recovery, as well as helping to quantify your injury claim. Some attorneys are eager to settle cases and rush through this process, leaving the injured victim without a full medical recovery let alone potential medical expenses that are not covered by the claim.

3. Ask the lawyer for references from former clients or others

When you meet with the potential attorney, ask if they can provide one or more references from previous clients. Obviously, the attorney will first need to obtain the permission of his former client. But if the attorney is competent and experienced, this should not be difficult for the attorney. The attorney can also provide you with references to other attorneys or professionals. You can always ask.

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