It has been said that planet earth is the plane of duality and this can be seen from the fact that there are usually two parts to everything. For example, there is hot and cold, up and down, and fast and slow.
There is also “good” and “bad” in the world, and just as these two things exist in the outer world, they also exist in someone’s inner world. This means that in addition to the “bad” that is outside of them, they will also have “bad” within them.

Part of life

Therefore, although someone may create the impression that they are perfect or that they only possess positive energy, for example, this will be an illusion. They, like everyone else on this planet, will have “bad” inside of them.

Similarly, if someone creates the impression that they are worthless and not good, this too will be an illusion. They will be out of touch with their “good” but it will still be within them.

a closer look

Now, when it comes to what one believes to be “bad” and what they are likely to have disowned, it can relate to what makes them uncomfortable and what society tells them is “bad.” Feelings like shame, hate, and anger and traits that are considered unacceptable may exist just outside of your awareness.

In other words, these feelings, as well as others, will be retained in your unconscious mind/body and your unacceptable traits will be repressed. Denying these parts of themselves will allow them to function and fit in.

totally weird

Since these unacceptable parts of themselves have been pushed out of their awareness, it means they won’t be aware of them. Or, if they do come in contact with them, it won’t be long before they go back to the way they were before.

However, just because you have disowned these unacceptable parts of yourself does not mean that these parts will not have an effect on your life. One way or another, these pieces will leave their mark on your life.

a result

For one, not being in touch with their “negative” feelings can make it difficult for them to connect with their “positive” feelings. Ultimately, it is not possible for one to pick and choose what feelings one experiences; They either have all of them or they have none.

To get around this, they may end up relying on external sources, such as food or drink, to experience certain feelings. Another part of this is that not being connected to your feelings can mean that you will be living on the surface of yourself, in your head.


When it comes to the traits they have disconnected from, it can be normal for them to come into contact with people who possess them. But, because they won’t be able to recognize, much less accept, the parts of themselves that are perceived as bad, they probably won’t see the connection.

The way these people behave can really put pressure on them and they can judge them, but it won’t occur to them why that is. Instead, these people may be seen as the problem or as having serious problems.

Other part

And, even though one will have lost touch with these traits, it does not mean that they will not continue to behave in ways that are a reflection of them. For example, they may be uncomfortable with being selfish, and even though they deny this part of themselves, they may still act selfish.

Thanks to the defenses your ego-mind has, you won’t be able to recognize when this happens. If they were to acknowledge this, it could go against the idealized false self they have.

very weak

Keeping these parts of yourself out of your awareness is going to take a lot of energy. Furthermore, every part of themselves that they have suppressed will also be made up of energy.

These parts will be composed of “negative” energy but, deep down, they will be composed of neutral energy. Therefore, if much of your energy is used to keep your darkness at bay and much of your life force has taken on a “negative” expression, the less energy you will have to create a fulfilling life.

standing in the middle

For this to change, you will need to accept that you have both “good” and “bad” within you. To do this, they will need to surrender to what is really going on within them and be with it.

At this point, they might fear what they would find if they did this and worry about what other people would think of them if they admitted to having certain “negative” feelings and traits. By being with yourself and dealing with whatever comes up, making peace with each party, you’re not just helping yourself; they will also be helping the world.

making a real difference

The reason for this is that when someone can accept that they are made up of “good” and “bad” elements and begins to recognize the parts of themselves that are not likable, they will not need to project these parts onto others. . Facing and resolving your own darkness will allow you to truly be the change you want to see in the world.

The alternative is for them to be oblivious to their own darkness, then project it onto others and try to change the world. In reality, they will only try to change their own shadow and will most likely do more harm than good.


To participate in this process, it may be necessary to seek external support. A therapist or healer will give you the support you need to go where you would not go alone.

Like scaffolding on a building, they will allow one to develop their own presence until they are strong enough to hold the space on their own. At this stage, you will have the ability to recognize the parts of yourself that are not currently an expression of “love and light” without punishing yourself.

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