This is the question that usually comes up when we are strength training but we don’t see any results or even gain a few kilos. The answer we usually fall for is that we are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Well, I’m here to dispel this myth and provide some details on why building muscle is beneficial, how it relates to fat, and why the scales seem to tip in the wrong direction when we first start a fitness program.

A pound is a pound! Have you ever heard the riddle, “What weighs more a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers?” Like the answer to the riddle, a pound of muscle is the same as a pound of fat. The difference between the two is that muscle looks much better because it is denser, meaning it takes up less space than fat. That’s why when we start building muscle, we feel better and our clothes fit better, but we may not see a change on the scale.

It is imperative when working to lose weight to get a body composition scale. It is better to track the whole image. This involves tracking changes in weight, muscle, and fat. Weight alone doesn’t tell me anything. If I have lost fat and gained muscle, I am quite happy, regardless of the pounds lost. However, if I lose muscle, even if I lose weight at the same time, I don’t call the week a success. Losing muscle is not good in the long run. Muscle burns more calories than fat and is important when trying to improve our metabolism. A pound of muscle burns 6 calories a day. A pound of fat only burns 2 calories a day. As you can see, building muscle is vital to weight loss and weight loss maintenance, and should be the focus of any fitness or diet regimen.

Now that you understand the benefits of muscle and how it relates to fat, it’s essential to understand the REAL reason we see weight gain when we start strength training. A person starting a new program will often feel sore afterwards. This can be the result of small tears in the muscle tissue. During the repair process, muscle tissue can become inflamed and slightly swollen from fluid retention, resulting in a 3-4 pound weight gain. Understanding the reason behind this temporary weight gain will help reduce frustration and hopefully keep you focused on your goal, even when it feels like the pounds are going in the wrong direction.

So now the question remains: “How do I build muscle and reduce fat?” Well, exercise programs that focus on aerobic training and strength development are key. There are a variety of programs available based on individual comfort levels. P90X is a program that involves free weights and/or resistance. However, weights are not always necessary. There are programs, like Insanity, where you use your own body weight to build strength. There is a program for everyone. You just need to work to find the one that works best for you.

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