The networking event is over, and like many business professionals, you have a ton of business cards and great leads from your networking role. You finished your work? What is the next step in building relationships? What can you do to get the most out of your networking efforts? How can you track and have a meaningful and productive impact? Here are some key tips that any entrepreneur or business professional can use to develop great relationships and properly connect with their business counterparts for networking success.

Contact point

After receiving business cards and contact information from colleagues, please follow up within three days. Three days is the exact time it takes to stay fresh in your contact’s mind. It also allows you some time to properly prepare an email, phone call, or letter / correspondence for your business counterpart. If you decide to contact your business counterpart within three days of your meeting, you risk losing that potential contact. Your business colleague is less likely to remember you or the conversation or connection you shared. They may also have misplaced or lost your contact information, if they haven’t already contacted you. And they may be busy with work, family, career, or school and won’t have enough time to communicate with you. Don’t allow a long time to pass when you follow up after meeting with your contacts.

Organize a reunion

Once you’ve contacted your business counterpart, be sure to schedule a follow-up meeting. This is a great opportunity to develop your premature relationship and find effective ways of doing business. The meeting must take place within two weeks of meeting with your business counterpart. Make sure that if you are starting the meeting, it is beneficial to both parties. You can suggest meeting with your counterpart in your office or in your office if it is convenient. Or you can meet at a restaurant for breakfast or lunch. You can also choose a coffee shop, bookstore, or coffee shop that is suitable for both of you. Since you are starting the meeting, it is polite for you to cover the tab. If your counterpart insists on paying your share, that’s perfectly fine.

Prepare for the meeting

Now that you have scheduled a meeting or one-on-one with your business counterpart, it is imperative that you prepare for the meeting or event. You should ask your counterpart to send you information about themselves and their company so that you can get acquainted with their business, company, services or brand. Another good idea is to visit their website and learn about their company culture, organizational management, history / background, and clientele / clients. This can give you a great understanding of how you can work together or help your business counterpart. Also, identify key problems or solutions that may benefit your colleague. Brainstorm and create questions about how you can grow or help them in their business.

One day before the meeting

Once you’ve set up a meeting, done your research, and are prepared for the meeting or event, be sure to confirm the meeting one day in advance. If there are any changes to the time or place, please let your counterpart know in advance as a form of respect. You also encourage your counterpart to bring brochures, brochures, or additional material about your business, organization, or services. Following up the day before and showing initiative will increase your credibility and professionalism with your business counterpart.

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