From cock rings to dildos, sex toys are increasingly found in the bedrooms of consenting adults. And while sex toys are more historically associated with women, the fact is that more and more men are comfortable incorporating toy play into their sex lives, often with great results. In general, sex toys do not come with penile health problems, but there are some cases where a penile health problem can arise inadvertently. For example, sometimes the use of sex toys can cause a rash to appear on the penis unexpectedly.

sex toys

People have been using sex toys for generations. Ancient Greece and Egypt, for example, include references to objects that today would be recognized as dildos. People have used phallic-shaped foods like zucchini as “natural” dildos, and enterprising men have used carved melons as vagina substitutes for eons.

But today, sex toys generally refer to objects made specifically for use in sexual situations, whether solo or with a partner, usually to enhance pleasure. (For some, that pleasure is enhanced by inflicting some degree of pain, but the end goal is pleasurable, regardless of how an individual defines it.)

penis rash

Generally, a penile rash (like most skin rashes) occurs because the skin of the penis has come into contact with some type of allergic factor. Theoretically, the makeup of any individual could be such that he or she could be allergic to almost anything. However, the items we will be discussing are those that are more likely than others to cause a penile rash reaction. It’s important to note, of course, that just because some people may be allergic to something doesn’t mean everyone is.

With that in mind, here are some sex toys that could in some cases give some men a penile rash:

– Metal penis rings or ball stretchers. Cock rings are intended to tightly encircle the penis (or penis and balls) in such a way that blood is encouraged to fill the penis, thus enhancing a man’s erection. Ball stretchers are worn tight around the top of the balls to allow the balls to stretch; sometimes weights are used to increase the stretch. Rings and stretchers can be made of a number of different materials, including metal, and in some cases, that can be problematic. A surprising number of people are allergic to nickel, and it can cause a rash on the areas it comes in contact with. Many metal products include nickel in their mix, so a rash on your penis that occurs after wearing a metal ring or stretchers may be due to the presence of nickel.

– Vaginal substitutes. Vagina substitutes come in different shapes, but are usually a hollowed-out tube of some kind that has been lined with a soft material. An erect penis moves in and out of the tube, usually causing ejaculation. If the toy is thoroughly cleaned after each use, there is little risk of a rash, but if not, a penile rash is very likely. The risk increases if a man does not clean it thoroughly after another man has used it. (Sharing sex toys is risky, and most must be sterilized before sharing.)

– Condom. It’s not a sex toy, but some men are allergic to latex, which means they need to use non-latex condoms to protect themselves from both STIs and a potential penile rash.

A Penile Rash Caused by Sex Toys May Respond to Using a Top Penile Health Cream (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for skin.). Rashes often need extra hydration, so it’s best to use a cream with a high-quality emollient (like shea butter) and a natural moisturizer (like vitamin E). Also, the selected cream should include alpha lipoic acid. Powerful antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid protects the skin from the ravages caused by excess free radicals.

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