No. 1: Varadero

One of the best-known beaches in Cuba, it is located near the capital, Havana, making it very convenient for those who want to savor both the Cuban daily life and the sea-sand-sun sensation. Varadero is located on a peninsula and has a 20 km long white sand beach.

The second largest airport in the country is also located at the entrance of the city.

The peninsula is safe, comfortable and hygienic. The beach began to develop at the beginning of the 20th century when some Cardenas families built summer houses here. Since then many foreign investors have arrived and more and more hotels open during these days as well. The location is perfect for a family vacation with countless different water sports activities.

You shouldn’t miss Villa Xanadu, which was built in 1929 by Alfred Dupont, a chemical engineer from the USA. It now houses the most elegant restaurant in Varadero (Las Américas) and is surrounded by beautiful gardens and golf courses.

No. 2: Cayo Coco

One of the beautiful islands of the archipelago called Jardines del Rey, in the province of Ciego de Ávila, near the north coast of Cuba. The key that bears the name of a local bird is like Paradise with crystal clear waters. Cayo Coco is connected to the main island of Cuba through a 27 km highway.

It is the perfect island for nature lovers and those who only need sea, sun and natural silence during their holidays. Cayo Coco is very important for the Cuban government that would like to support the development of ecotourism. Some interesting places on the island are the Parador la Silla (ideal to see flamingos from April to November); Forbidden Beach (peace and tranquility, no buildings, just nature); Playa los Flamencos (clean and shallow water, about 35,000 flamingos live).

No. 3: Cayo Guillermo

One of the best beaches in Cuba, Playa Pilar is located on Cayo Guillermo, another Jardines del Rey island next to Cayo Coco. Playa Pilar is named after Ernest Hemingway’s yacht. The highest sand dunes in the country are also found in Cayo Guillermo.

The island is specialized in deep-sea fishing and is also perfect for divers as it is protected by a long coral reef.

No. 4: South Key Largo

This island is located south of Cuba. This small island is only 25 kilometers long and 3 kilometers wide. It is a true gem of the country with stunning beaches and blue-green waters. In the depths, divers will find remains of ships from the 16th century.

No. 5: Guardalavaca

The beaches of Guardalavaca (Playa Guardalavaca and Playa Esmeralda), located in the province of Holguín, are very famous among divers. The bottom of the sea is full of caves, hills, valleys and different coral formations. The part around Playa Guardalavaca is the oldest with a village air. The other part, around Playa Esmeralda, is the newer one with fancy hotels.

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