Jesus Christ solves a serious problem and we need to know that He still solves serious problems. How do we find out everything?

We come to this final section in the Gospel of Luke. We are in chapter 24 and verse 13. Jesus Christ is risen and alive, and it is midafternoon on the Day of Resurrection. A lot has been going on. These past two weeks have been quite traumatic for everyone and we have gone through the events in some detail.

Two disciples of Jesus are walking the seven or so miles from Jerusalem to Emmaus.

It seems they have a lot to say to each other. They have been to Jerusalem and had seen Jesus Christ crucified, and now they believe that it is all over.

Do you ever think that?

Do you ever go through a period or a season where you just think that everything you’ve worked for and all your various spiritual experiences are over and it’s all in the past? Haven’t we all been there at one time or another?

We all need this relevant living Word. Jesus has risen from the dead, and his hearts are very sad. They are so disappointed. Until now the disciples have called it nonsense! They accused the women who had been at the tomb of being delirious or having a fever. Have they had too much sun, or excitement has taken over these women!

Not far down the road, a third Man joins them and it is Jesus, but they have no idea who he is.

It is possible to have Jesus this close and this close, and not know it.

They did not expect to meet Jesus. They knew that Jesus was dead and they assumed that he would stay dead. The dead do not rise. They are still blind. They cannot see who has come next to them, and Jesus is so close and so close. Doesn’t this happen often nowadays? Jesus is coming and is missed by many for various reasons.

They are so sad. They had lost Jesus. It’s always sad when you lose someone you really love. Jesus was only in his early 30s. Perhaps they thought that Jesus was going to be around for a long time. They got it so wrong. They are so overwhelmed, and it shows. Faces reveal a lot.

Jesus asks them a question. “What are you guys discussing as you walk down the road together?”

Cleopas asks, “Are you the only one in Jerusalem who doesn’t know what’s been going on?”

“What things?”

“Regarding Jesus of Nazareth. He was a prophet mighty in word and deed. Our leaders handed him over to be killed. They did. They crucified him. days ago.”

Read the conversation. Share it with your people in detail. Feed them these spiritual truths.

Their precious Jesus was gone. His optimistic hopes had been dashed.

“Oh, He said something about being killed at the hands of sinful men, and the elders of the town.

Yes, He said something like that, and even mentioned something about resurrecting three days later, but His time is up. Now it is the third day. We haven’t seen any sign of Him. But, but, do you know this? Some women surprised us this morning. Some we know went to the tomb where he was laid, and they came and told us that they had seen angels, and the angels said that Jesus had risen and is alive. Some others were. They also saw the empty tomb, but they didn’t see Him!

Are they that disappointed, upset, maybe even angry? That comes from the words used in the conversation. Do you ever get angry, disappointed, or even angry when things go spiritually wrong? It is quite understandable.

They have left everything to follow Jesus Christ. They had believed that Jesus was the ONE who would rescue and save them.

They believed that Jesus had the answer to all the problems, needs, diseases, pains and sins of men.

They had looked at Jesus and were disappointed. This is an honest and realistic book.

These are two broken and despondent men, and the Bible does not try to hide this. Jesus steps in and takes over the conversation and resolves these various issues in the most wonderful way. He still does. He knows that and let people know it.

sand shaw

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