Why do good girls love bad boys? This is a question I hear asked all the time that has a simple answer. First of all let me tell you how do you know the girl is good? She could be Clyde’s next Bonnie. Anyway, the answer is that good girls like bad boys because they are exciting and, to be specific, the sex is spontaneous. A good guy is the type that will lay in bed with a woman and not make any sexual advances towards her, but a bad guy will aggressively pursue her and get what he wants because he knows what to do without training.

I have experienced both types of men, both good and bad. Guys who are good are laid back and inhibited. They are not aggressive and not very adventurous, almost as if they are shy and less sociable. What makes them that way in the first place? They lack confidence. Bad boys are confident, sometimes overconfident to the point of arrogance. That’s the downside of being with a bad boy. His arrogance can make them unattractive or difficult to get along with.

A bad boy makes life exciting because he will open up the good girl to new things. It’s almost like an opposites-attract type of deal. We tend to want what we lack in ourselves. For example, I am not an adventurous person. For me personally, being with someone uninhibited takes me out of my box, which is a good thing for me. A monotonous person needs someone bold to counter with her boring life.

If you decide that you want a bad boy, consider the consequences that will come with the relationship. Most bad boys have a terrible reputation. They are dramatic about achievers, attention seekers, and some downright dangerous. They are in the middle of it all trying to gain more attention or exposure. Associating with these types of men can create a negative effect on a good girl’s reputation. Once your reputation gets dirty, it’s hard to break free of that harmful stereotype.

Bad guys have personality and aren’t afraid to make their targets whatever they are. This is what makes the relationship fun for a good girl. She wants someone who will make her feel alive, and sadly, the ones who can do this are often the ones who could break her heart. I suggest to all the good girls have fun and enjoy while it lasts and don’t fall too hard.

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