Find the perfect diet program!

What do most people do when they want to lose weight? They step on the scale to determine their exact weight, and then find a program that promises to help them lose a certain amount of weight over a period of time, over five days, for example. Let’s say 3 pounds a week. They start from there and calculate how much weight they would lose after two months. This isn’t a bad idea, if you ask me, but how do you lose belly fat when you have a lot of weight to lose?

Set meaningful goals!

You have to find meaningful goals to achieve your desired weight loss. Losing the first three pounds the first week can be easy. Even the second 3 pound loss in the second week can be a doddle. You still have to find other essential factors that will come into the equation and find good motivators to keep going because sooner or later you will get tired of the exercise regimen and diet, then your progress will slow to almost nothing.

Learn to balance training intensity and energy level!

One thing is for sure: you will need a lot of energy to start and maintain your weight loss workout. You will have to maintain a level of intensity in your training and that will be one of the determining factors in your long-term progress. Don’t reach for high sugar foods for energy, it just gives you a quick energy boost. Eat some protein and complex carbohydrates like whole wheat, lentils, eggs, nuts, etc.

What is a well balanced diet?

Over time you will feel better before, during and after your workout. Your recovery period will improve and your body will not hurt as much. Your energy level will increase with a good diet of protein, carbohydrates, and some fat. You’ll look forward to your next training session and be in a better mood even when the scale doesn’t show the amount of weight loss you’d like to see.

Your body is telling you something!

As you continue, you’ll notice that your clothing isn’t as tight to your body as it used to be, especially around your midsection. Your self-confidence will skyrocket, giving you the incentive to keep going until you reach the magic weight loss figure you’ve set for yourself.

All the hard work pays off at the end of the day!

After a while, you won’t be able to measure your weight loss just by what you see on the scale. Your body will have more muscle mass, and muscle will weigh more than fat for the same volume. As you continue to exercise, you will gradually lose all the fat around your waist and your overall body fat will decrease. That will be an indication that you are on the right track. How to lose belly fat is a combination of knowing what you have to do and staying motivated long enough to do it until you are satisfied with the result.

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