From the point of view of a modern microbiologist, we hear the call for integration and common sense in the sciences that are all too often devising separate stakes and battlements to pontificate from on high. The ‘experts’ thus prove their ignorance because the result is inevitably deceptive ego and boastfulness. The truth did not divide itself for prissy ‘nerds’ to prevail over it, with its massive convolutions and devious attempts at buffoonery with it.

In August 1980, Psychology Today published an article by Harold J. Morowitz, Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University. I recommend a full reading of this article for anyone who has had a thorough exposure to all that our modern educational system comprises; while trying to convince you that everything is “black and white” and that there is no soul avoiding his instruction (except a few artists who defy the norm).


Physical scientists are returning to the view that thought, that is, mind, is one of the ultimate realities of nature. ‘

The study of life at all levels, from social to molecular behavior, has been based in modern times on reductionism as the main explanatory concept. This approach to knowledge attempts to understand one level of scientific phenomena in terms of concepts at a lower and presumably more fundamental level … Reductionism at the psychological level is exemplified in the point of view of Carl Sagan’s best-selling book THE DRAGONS OF EDEN .

He writes: “My fundamental premise about the brain is that its functioning, what we sometimes call ‘mind’, is a consequence of its anatomy and physiology and nothing else.” As a further demonstration of this stream of thought, we note that Sagan’s glossary does not contain the words mind, consciousness, perception, consciousness, or thought, but deals with inputs such as synapse, lobotomy, proteins, and electrodes …

Werner Heisenberg, one of the founders of the new physics, became deeply involved in the questions of philosophy and humanism. In PHILOSOPHICAL PROBLEMS OF QUANTUM PHYSICS, he wrote about physicists having to give up thoughts on an objective timescale common to all observers, and events in time and space that are independent of our ability to observe them. Heisenberg emphasized that the laws of nature no longer refer to elementary particles, but to our knowledge of these particles, that is, to the “content of our mind.” Erwin Schrödinger, the man who formulated the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics, wrote an extraordinary little book in 1958 called MIND AND MATTER. In this series of essays, he moved from the results of the new physics to a rather mystical view of the universe that he identified with the “perennial philosophy” of Aldous Huxley. Schrödinger was the first of the quantum theorists to express sympathy for UPANISHADS and Eastern philosophical thought. A growing body of literature now embodies this perspective, including two popular works. THE TAO OF PHYSICS by Fritjof Capra, and THE DANCING WU-LI MASTERS by Gary Zukav …

However, the only simple and consistent description that physicists could assign to a measurement involved an observer noticing the result. Therefore, the physical event and the content of the human mind were inseparable. This link forced many researchers to seriously consider consciousness as an integral part of the fabric of physics. Such interpretations led science towards the “idealistic” as opposed to the “realistic” conception of philosophy.

The opinions of a large number of contemporary physical scientists are summarized in the essay ‘Comments on the question of mind and body’ written by Nobel laureate Eugene Wigner. Wigner begins by noting that most physical scientists have returned to the recognition that thought, that is, the mind, is paramount. He goes on to state: “It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a totally coherent way without referring to consciousness.” And he concludes by noting how remarkable it is that the scientific study of the world led to the content of consciousness as an ultimate reality ‘…

The founders of modern atomic theory did not begin to impose a “mentalistic” image on the world. Rather, they started with the opposite point of view and were forced to adopt the current position to explain the experimental results …

The results of this chain of reasoning are probably more helpful and comforting to Eastern mystics than to neurophysiologists and molecular biologists; however, the closed loop is derived from a simple combination of the explanatory processes of recognized experts in the three different sciences. Since individuals rarely work with more than one of these paradigms, the overall problem has received little attention …

We now understand the problematic characteristics of an energetic engagement with uncritical reductionism as a solution to the problem of the mind. We have discussed the weaknesses of that position. Besides being weak, it is a dangerous view, since the way we respond to our fellow human beings depends on the way we conceptualize them in our theoretical formulations. If we visualize our fellow humans solely as animals or machines, we deplete our interactions of humanistic wealth. If we look for our norms of behavior in the study of animal societies, we ignore those uniquely human characteristics that enrich our lives so much. Radical reductionism offers very little in the area of ​​moral imperatives! Also, it presents an incorrect glossary of terms for a humanistic search. “

The Minnesota Twins study has been ongoing for decades and has produced some remarkable results that few reports see impact in reference to the very nature of “humanistic richness” and poignant potentialities. Only once is the principal investigator allowed to mention ESP. As in the Harvard study that I have reported, the participants are family members, but because they were separated at birth and (in this case) twins, there is a greater connection of ESP or psychic abilities than normal. Isn’t this just common sense? Who can doubt it, one might say! However, most people think of ESP as a strange attribute or phenomenon of nature rather than a gift that we all have “inside”, if they believe it exists.

Most people today do not know about Tesla’s ‘forceless information packets’, ‘free energy’, ‘Bearden vacuum machine energy’ or what time / space layers are involved in all psychic phenomena. Therefore, those who claim to believe in ESP do not know how to explain it and avoid any real involvement in it. Scientists are just as ignorant of these things and (after all) are ‘experts’ like doctors who deny the mind-body connection to the soul that is vital to psychic utilization. Our current culture DENIES these truly human and fantastic or exquisite depths of being.

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