First dates are often stressful. They are even more stressful for women. If you are a lady going on your first date, here are some tips on how you should behave:

To be on time

If your date is not picking you up, you should never be late. He shows that you are mature and serious about the relationship by coming in early. If you’re stuck in traffic, you should call him and let him know he’s on his way. If your date is going to pick you up from your house, you must be ready when he arrives, you must not leave him waiting for you.

be decisive

It is common for women to play dumb to avoid appearing bossy. To show that you have a sense of direction, you must be decisive. For example, when the guy asks you where you’d like to go for dinner, you shouldn’t say “I don’t know” or “What do you think?” If he knows a good place, he shouldn’t avoid mentioning it. This shows that he is ready to have some input.

be a good listener

The ladies are known to be talkative. To increase the chances of your date asking you out on a second date, you need to be a good listener. This requires that you avoid rambling on about yourself over and over again. If possible, ask questions about the other person. As a general rule, you shouldn’t jump in and tell a story similar to the one your date just told you.

Eat like you do at home

Many women tend to pretend they are full when they are not. For example, it is common for them to order a salad and only eat half of it. Doing this makes your date think you have a problem with food. To appear attractive, you must eat as you normally would.

If you drink alcohol, you should be careful about it. As a general rule, you should never drink to excess, as you will always regret it later. It’s always better to order a diet soda than alcohol.


These are tips on how you should behave like a lady on your first date. Once the date is over, you should not try to contact him; if he had fun, he will definitely contact you. One last thing: you should never have sex on the first date no matter how much you like it.

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